Pobieranie aplikacji GeoGebra

Darmowe aplikacje GeoGebra offline dla iOS, Android, Windows, Mac, Chromebook i Linux

  • GeoGebra Logo

    Calculator Suite

    Explore functions, solve equations, construct geometric shapes and 3D objects.

  • Wykresy

    Graph functions, investigate equations, and plot data with our free graphing app

  • Grafika 3D

    Graph 3D functions, plot surfaces and do 3D geometry with our free 3D Grapher

  • Geometria

    Construct circles, angles, transformations and more with our free geometry tool

  • GeoGebra Logo

    GeoGebra Classic 6

    Apps bundle including free tools for geometry, spreadsheet, probability, and CAS

  • cas_transparentBG


    Solve equations, expand and factor expressions, find derivatives and integrals

  • GeoGebra Logo

    GeoGebra Classic 5

    Apps bundle including free tools for geometry, spreadsheet, probability, and CAS

GeoGebra (app versions included) is fully supported on Windows 11.

Aplikacje mobilne