GeoGebra Apps
Explore our free calculators and apps for Math and Science, available for all devices and operating systems. Get started with using our all-in-one Calculator Suite.

Which Calculator to use?

Calculator Suite
Graphing Calculator
3D Calculator
CAS Calculator
Scientific Calculator
Numeric Calculations
2D Graphing
Vectors & Matrices
Geometric Constructions
Table of Values
Symbolic Calculations
3D Graphing
Probability Calculator
Are you creating advanced GeoGebra resources?
Classic 5 for Advanced Features

GeoGebra on Tests
Are you looking for an app that meets the exam regulations in your region? We provide various Exam Modes that offer features beneficial to both teachers and students during paper-based exams, while ensuring restricted access to the internet and other software.

Installation Options
Complete collection of all of our installers for Windows, macOS, Linux and more.

Embedding GeoGebra Apps
Everything you need to know about embedding GeoGebra Apps into your website.

JavaScript API
This page describes the GeoGebra API if you need to interact with GeoGebra from JavaScript