Rational Numbers

Rational Numbers

Learn and practice working with rational numbers with interactive resources from GeoGebra.

Upper Elementary


Rational Numbers in Decimal Form

Read and write word names for rational numbers in decimal form to the hundredths place or the thousandths place.

Rewriting Fractions and Decimals

Rewrite and compare decimals to fractions (tenths and hundredths) with and without models and pictures.

Rounding Decimals, Fractions, and Mixed Numbers

Round decimals to a given place value; round fractions and mixed numbers to a whole number or a given fractional place value.

Middle School


Comparing Rational Numbers

Compare and order rational numbers with and without models.

Equivalent Forms of Decimals and Fractions

Use the definition of rational numbers to convert decimals and fractions to equivalent forms.

Equivalent Fractions and Decimals

Convert fractions and terminating decimals to the thousandths place to equivalent forms without models; explain the equivalence.

Operations on Rational Numbers

Perform multi-step operations with rational numbers (positive and negative) in number and word problems.

Properties of Rational Numbers

Use the commutative, associative, and distributive properties, and inverses and identities to solve number and word problems with rational numbers.

Real, Rational, and Irrational Numbers

Describe, use, and compare real numbers. Use the definition of rational numbers to derive and distinguish irrational numbers.

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