Jean Baptiste Biot Geometrics 5

This symmetric object formed of rhombi and squares makes a nice project for students, incorporating rotational transformations. The underlying grid was kept for accurate GeoGebra rendition, as well as the background color. These geometric studies, dated to 1896, were originally educational plates designed to explain the role of geometry in science. The beauty of these images lies in their simple yet sophisticated feel. The pieces are deckled and floated on linen, then framed in acrylic and embellished with a leather strap. credit: from wikipedia: Jean-Baptiste Biot (1774–1862) was a French physicist, astronomer, and mathematician who established the reality of meteorites, made an early balloon flight, and studied the polarization of light. Biot also discovered the mineral biotite.


Bill Lombard

Resource Type
baptiste  biot  jean  mathart  rotation  symmetry-about-the-origin 
Target Group (Age)
11 – 19+
English (United States)
GeoGebra version
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