GeoGebra Book: Unit C | Linear Equations

C1: I can write linear functions, including NOW/NEXT • 10 | Can write equations of lines in any circumstance given any information all the time • 9 | Can write equations given points & slope, a graph in context, and partially correct on difficult word problems (such as 11b on the unit test) C2: I can display linear functions in a variety of representations. • 10 | Can represent difficult linear function word problems in tables & graphs • 9 | Can represent linear functions graphically AND with tables C3: I can identify key features of linear functions and interpret parameter change • 10 | Can identify & interpret changes to the slope & y-intercept of difficult word problems • 9 | Can manipulate a function to identify slope and y-intercepts and interpret what they mean all the time


C Schlutow

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Resource Type
GeoGebra Book
Target Group (Age)
3 – 19+
© 2024 International GeoGebra Institute