CCSS IP Math III 1.6.1 Example 2

In the Olympics, swimmers are assigned to lanes based on what place they earned in previous swim trials—first place, second place, etc. Swimmers in the inner lanes have an advantage, since the waves created when water hits the sides of the pool create resistance that can slow swimmers down, and the effect of these waves is greater in the lanes that are closer to the sides of the pool. The lane assignments are as follows: [list] [*]Lane 1: Seventh place [*]Lane 2: Fifth place [*]Lane 3: Third place [*]Lane 4: First place [*]Lane 5: Second place [*]Lane 6: Fourth place [*]Lane 7: Sixth place [*]Lane 8: Eighth place [/list] Is this a fair way to assign a swimmer to each lane?


Walch Education

Resource Type
data  fairness  probability 
Target Group (Age)
15 – 18
English (United States)
GeoGebra version
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