Area of Isosceles Triangle Exploration

Students will: -Determine the base length that maximizes the area of isosceles triangles with 2 congruent side lengths of 5 cm. (comprehension of technological representation) -Determine the angle measures that maximize the area of an isosceles triangle with 2 congruent side lengths of 5 cm. (comprehension of technological representation) -Describe, using mathematically appropriate language, how the area of an isosceles triangle changes as the base length extends from 0 to twice the base length . (analysis of technological representation) -Knowing the area of a triangle and the Pythagorean theorem, develop an equation modeling the area of an isosceles triangle as a function of its base, when two sides are held at a constant length. (synthesizing results from mathematical exploration)



Resource Type
area  derivative  isosceles 
Target Group (Age)
15 – 18
English (United Kingdom)
GeoGebra version
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