Square - ness of Rectangles

None of these rectangles is square ! They are arranged in columns from left to right in order of width. They are also arranged in rows from bottom to top in order of height. Can you devise a single measure of 'Square-ness' to answer the following - a. Which rectangle is the "squarest"? b. Arrange the rectangles in order of square-ness. c. What is the difference in "square-ness" between the most square and the least square of the rectangles? d. Does your measure of "square-ness" have a smallest value? a largest value? a "special" value when the rectangle is a square? e. Devise a different measure of "square-ness" and discuss the circumstances in which each of your measures would be the better measure. [You can position a rectangle by dragging it. You can rotate a rectangle by dragging the white dot at one of its vertices.] What questions could / would you put to your students based on this applet?