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GeoGebraGeoGebra Classroom

10.5 Geogebra Task

Create a circle with center A through point B (show labels A and B) Put 3 other points spaced fairly evenly on the circle. Show the labels, C, D, and E. Construct tangents through points C, D, and E. Label the points of intersection of the tangents: F, G, and H Contsruct the radius AC Measure either angle created by the radius to the tangent Answer question 1 Measure the distance/length from each tangent intersection points (F, G, H) to the tangent point along a tangent line (C, D, E) Answer question 2

Is the angle created by a radius of a circle to a tangent always the same measure? If so, what is it?

How are the distances from a point of intersection of tangents to the corresponding tangent points related?