IM Grade 8 Math: Unit 7 - Exponents and Scientific Notation

In grade 6, students studied whole-number exponents. In this unit, they extend the definition of exponents to include all integers, and in the process codify the properties of exponents. To learn more about how to use GeoGebra’s fully digital and interactive curriculum, visit our IM 6–8 Math page.
7.1 Exponent Review 7.2 Multiplying Powers of Ten 7.3 Powers of Powers of 10 7.4 Dividing Powers of 10 7.5 Negative Exponents with Powers of 10 7.6 What about Other Bases 7.7 Practice with Rational Bases 7.8 Combining Bases 7.9 Describing Large and Small Numbers Using Powers of 10 7.10 Representing Large Numbers on the Number Line 7.11 Representing Small Numbers on the Number Line 7.12 Applications of Arithmetic with Powers of 10 7.13 Definition of Scientific Notation 7.14 Multiplying, Dividing, and Estimating with Scientific Notation 7.15 Adding and Subtracting with scientific Notation 7.16 Is a Smartphone Smart Enough to Go to the Moon?