Translations & Reflections

Using the graph above, translate the triangle using the following rule: (x, y) --> (x+3, y-5). For your answer just type the new points.

Write the rule of the translation.

The diagram above shows the image of ABCD after a translation of (x, y) --> (x-2, y+1). What are the coordinated of the pre-image of ABCD ?

No graph for this question

What are the coordinates of the image of C(10,-3) after the translation (x, y) --> (x+7, y-4).

No graph

What are the coordinates of the pre-image of C'(7,4) after the translation (x, y) --> (x+3, y-2).

Using the graph above, what are the coordinates of ABCD after a reflection in the y-axis?

No graph

What are the coordinates of A(-9,1) B(-5,-5) after a reflection in the x-axis?

No graph

What are the coordinate of A(1, 3) B(5, -6) after a reflection in the line y=x ?

Using the graph above, what are the coordinate after a reflection in the line y=3

Using the graph above, what is the line of reflection?

Use the tool above to figure out how many lines of symmetry a rhombus has. Then check your answer

Below you will investigate lines of symmetry in 14 different polygons. Type your answer in the green box to check if you are correct. To move to the next polygon, move the black dot over.