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GeoGebraGeoGebra Classroom

2.5 Linear Pair and Vertical Angles Inv. 1 and 2

Linear Pair Investigation 1. Interact with the applet for a minute. Then answer the questions below.

Answer the question below based on your observations in the applet above.

What is the sum of the measure of angles PRS and QRS?

Complete the statement.

If two angles form a linear pair, then the measure of the angles _________________________ .

Investigation 2: Vertical Angles

Definition: Vertical Angles are angles whose sides form 2 pairs of opposite rays. When 2 lines intersect, 2 pairs of vertical angles are formed. One pair of vertical angles is shown below. (Click the other checkbox on the right to display the other pair of vertical angles.)

Vertical Angles: Interact with the following applet for a few minutes, then answer the questions that follow.

What do you notice about vertical angles? How do their measures compare?

Complete the statement.

If two angles are vertical angles, then _____________________________________.