Angles Created by Two Parallel Lines Cut by a Transversal

Types of Angles Created by Two Parallel Lines Cut by a Transversal
Check the boxes to see different types of angles created when two parallel lines are cut by a transversal.

In this investigation, you’ll discover relationships among the angles formed when two parallel lines are intersected by a third line, called a transversal.

Use the applet to help you answer the following questions. You must answer these questions on binder paper which will be stamped when you complete the investigation. 1. Check each box and observe where each pair of angles is located. Describe the following: Corresponding angles - Same-side interior angles - Alternate interior angles - Alternate exterior angles - 2. Use the angle tool to measure each pair of angles listed below and record their measures: Corresponding: mBGD = __________ mFHG = ___________ Same-side interior: mAGH = _________ mGHC = ___________ Alternate interior: mGHC = _________ mHGB = ___________ Alternate exterior: mBGD = _________ mCHE = ___________ 3. Based on your observations, fill in the blank for each statement: Corresponding angles are ____________________. Same-side interior angles are _______________________. Alternate interior angles are ____________________. Alternate exterior angles are ____________________. 4. Drag point D to the right and left. Are these relationships are still true when the angles change?