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Copy of Graphs of reciprocal trig functions from basic functions

Reciprocal trig ratios traced from sine, cosine, and tangent graphs.

Select one of the Reciprocal Functions. Click on the blue dot below the graph or the slider to draw the reciprocal graph. The graph will be in blue. Its reciprocal graph will be red. (Example: When you click Cosec(x), the sine graph will be blue and the cosecant graph will red.) Clear the trace after each graph is drawn Answer the questions below the graph in your journal or notebook.
What is special about the point where sine and cosecant intersect? Is this the same for the other graphs? What happens to the sine, cosine and tangent graphs where cosecant, secant and cotangent are undefined (very large +ve or -ve values)? What happens to tangent graph when cotangent is zero?