


This paper discusses the American Revolution that took place from the 14th century to the 20th century mainly in the industrial ad the economic sectors in America. The examples provided by freeessaywriter used are the early inventions in the industrial and he economic sectors. World history of revolution from 1914 to present 20th century American Revolution is mainly based around the war between the Great Britain and the Americans, whose result led to the independence and formation of the United States of America. There are several perspectives from which the American Revolution can be viewed. These are such as the Industrial Revolution and the Economic Revolution to mention but a few. Each of these sectors has undergone considerable changes throughout the twentieth century, but even more changes and inventions are expected in the future years. In this essay, I have used the examples of the clothe industry and the transport and communication industries. Their similarities and the differences are seen clearly in the industrial revolution and the economic revolution. The Industrial Revolution. There have been considerable changes in the industrial sector in America from the 14th century to the 20th century. Industrial revolution mainly refers to the change that occurred in the early days from production of commodities at homes for home consumption only, to the production of commodities at a commercial level in factories and by use of machinery. Industrial revolution took place in two phases. The first industrial revolution took place in the early eighteenth century and is considered important mainly because it marked the start of the cotton and clothes industries. The invention of the spinning and weaving machines was a big step to the American industries because the machines were much faster than the man power. However, they were at first run by water power, but later on they were operated by steam power. The steam power was used for a while and was later replaced by electric power. The second revolution however contributed a lot to the Industrial growth of America, changing it into the modern and the urban industrial state it is today. Industrialization started in three major developments: transport, electricity and the improvement of the production and refining processes. A protective tariff was also passed to protect the American manufacturers from the importers. The cotton and cloth industry was strengthened with the invention of the cotton gin by Eli Whitney. This made it easier to separate the cotton fiber from the seeds as opposed to the use of bare hands. Later on, Elias Howe invented sewing machines, hence the start of clothe manufacturing and people stopped sewing clothes at home. The improvements of the industries increased the number of cities, so people moved from farms to cities. By this time, better cultivators and machines had been invented, leading to the improvement of agriculture. Since the population had increased considerably, there was a need to create improved communication networks. The telegraph was therefore invented in 1844 by Samuel Morse and was commonly used throughout Mississippi. Road transportation was also improved, with the first national road being the Cumberland road. River transportation was also started with the invention of steam boats by Robert Fulton, while a better steam engine was then made by James Watt's. The Economic Revolution The economic history of America can be traced back o as early as the 16th century. The population of America continued to increase rapidly as people from countries like Russia and Italy moving to America. When the European settlers first landed in North America in the early 1600s, they stated changing it and creating new innovations to match their needs and interests. Some of the changes that they introduced include: improving the drainage in the wet lands to create fields to plant their crops, cutting trees at the forests for lumbering, and diverting small rivers and streams to start power mills. They also started to build small cities at the East Coast that looked like the villages they had in Europe. However, later on, the Native Americans who had already lived for about tens of thousands of years were either evicted or killed. The natural resources that they had discovered and valued were cut down, destroyed or sold. The fur from animals, discovered minerals and the lumber that the white colonists did not use were shipped and later sold in to traders in places like Great Britain, Spain and France. In the first decade of the 20th century, the Economy of America improved considerably. America had expanded and improved its trade with the Europeans. Slave trade was also a common trade with the rich Africans and the European tradeshow bought slaves from Africa. America's economy was also improved by the construction of the Erie Canal which linked he Atlantic Ocean with other big seas, which made New York a big trade center. Construction of railroads was also another major boost to the American Economy because it helped increase the trade level. It also made it easy to transport the raw materials from the farms or anywhere they were got to the factories.