Information to students

This activity belongs to the GeoGebra book Attractive projects. Contents Naturally, the information provided to the students will vary according to the project to be carried out. However, the following contents of GeoGebra are of special interest:
  • Points, vectors and parametric curves.
  • Sliders and animations.
  • Lists and sequences.
  • Basic scripts.
Note: The students will receive technical assistance whenever they need it, but they will have to explain to the rest of the class and the teacher how they prepared the project, in all its phases. Guideline procedures To expose some procedures used in GeoGebra, it is very useful to have a template already prepared (like the one shown here), in which the only thing to vary in each case is the list of texts with the guidelines. The objects used by the template itself are auxiliary, to hide them from the Algebraic View. Note: To perform a line break in a text in the list, use \\n.
Author of the construction of GeoGebra: Rafael Losada