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GeoGebraClasse GeoGebra

Sum of the Interior Angles of a polygon


Answer the following questions on your paper. At certain spots you can check your answers on here. Remember you need to try three different answers before asking a teacher for help. Make sure you're able to give reasons to why you picked the answers you did when asking a teacher for help. Also try asking a different group for help if you're stuck.


What is the sum of the three interior angles of a triangle?

How many sides does the figure below have?


Draw a line segment from point A to point C.

How many triangles were formed when you drew that line segment AC?

If the sum of one 180o, then what is the sum of the interior angles of a quadrilateral?


How many sides does the figure below have?

Draw a line Segment from A to D and a line Segment from A to E.

How many triangles were formed when line segments AD and AE were drawn?