Essays on Acid Rain

Acid rain, or acid deposition, is any form of precipitation with high levels of sulfuric acid and nitric acid. It is produced when sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide dissolve in the water in the atmosphere. Its devastating effects on all types of ecosystems and the danger it poses to human health and other organisms are the reason for many of the environmental reforms implemented since the 1960s. Essays on acid rain are concerned with the environmental damages caused by acid rain and how human activities contribute to the formation of acid precipitates. Essays on acid rain make good cause and effect essays, descriptive essays, and case studies. Essays on acid rain are written based on the latest research on acid rain. Additional information obtained from reading examples of acid rain essays from Who Can Write My Essay website can also be used. Acid rain began with the Industrial Revolution in Europe in the 1750s when the emissions of nitrogen oxide and sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere saw a significant increase. This fact should be related in essays on acid rain as should information regarding the formation and properties of acid rain. Decaying vegetation, volcano eruptions, and the burning of fossil fuels by automobiles, factories and power plants release chemicals that can cause acid rain. Sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides are released into the atmosphere and react with water, oxygen, and other substances to form mild solutions of sulfuric and nitric acid. Air currents may spread these acidic solutions across the atmosphere and carry them on long distances. Essays on acid rain should also point out that the acid released into the atmosphere causes severe environmental damage.  As a result, scientists must constantly measure the acidity of rain and particles in the air.  This is done through pH meters, which help estimate how much damage the acid rain will cause. Robert Angus, a chemist who is famous for his research on air pollution and who discovered acid rain, should also be mentioned in essays on acid rain.  In addition, essays on acid rain describe in detail the effects of acid rain on the environment and on a person’s health. A look at possible solutions to acid rain and what can be done to prevent more acid rain should also be a topic of discussion in essays on acid rain.  For example, the methods used to prevent the release of pollutants causing acid rain into the atmosphere such as curbing emissions by cleaning up factories that pollute heavily and promoting alternative fuel sources can be described. Regulations enacted in North America and Europe to limit emissions from power plants such as the U.S. Clean Air Act and the Helsinki protocol are two more examples of measures enacted to reduce acid rain that should be discussed as well.