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Translating f(x) to the right by A produces f(x-A) ???

Aunt Mary live 2 miles down the road from your house. Uncle Joe lives 5 miles down the same road (3 miles beyond Aunt Mary). You make a regular weekly trip to deliver stuff first to Aunt Mary and then to Uncle Joe. [You drop stuff off at both Aunt Mary and Uncle Joe and leave immediately – you don't linger. On the way back you pick up stuff from Aunt Mary and leave immediately.] The BLUE graph shows where you are as a function of time after you leave. If you delay your trip, the GREEN graph shows where you are as a function of time after your normal departure time. You can set the length of the delay by using the PURPLE slider. Does this applet tell you anything about a trip that you start earlier than you normally do? What other questions could / would you ask of your students based on this applet?