Poincare Disk Tools Draft

Mike May

General Instructions for tools

Each of the tool icons is, in fact, the first tool on a menu. The first 11 menus are standard tools from the Euclidean version. The last (rightmost) menus are for the Poincare versions. In the downloaded version of the activity, clicking on an icon gives a tooltip specifying what comes next. Note that all objects are specified by a set of points. For the first 6 tools in the pSegment menu, you simply select two points that define the line or segment. For the last tool in that menu, dropping a perpendicular, select the point to on the perpendicular, and then 2 points that define a Poincare line. The point on the perpendicular can be on or off the line. For the next menu: For a pCircle specify the center then a point on the edge. For the center and radius tool, you specify the radius by specifying two points whose pDistance apart is the desired radius. For the reflection of a point over a line, select the point to be reflected and then 2 points that define a Poincare line. Angles are specified by end, vertex, end, and measured counterclockwise. (An angle is measured between tangent rays.). The pAngle tool just gives the angle measurement. The verbose version also gives segments and points on the tangent rays. A great circle is the Euclidean circle that extends the pLine.