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Unit Circle Radians/Degrees

How to convert from Radians to Degrees and vice versa

Given Degrees x*=angle in radians Given Radians x rad * =angle in degrees Generally don't simplify angle measurements with into decimals. i.e. don't simplify to 4.1887902047863909846168578443727. Keeping in your answer is much more precise

Unit Circle in Degrees/Radians

Tips on Using the Unit Circle

The unit circle is a circle with a radius of one centered at the origin. There are various points on the circle that help us find the value of certain trig function expressions The coordinates of the points on the unit circle are the cosine and sine values of the labeled angles x (degrees or radians). These values will turn into the points (cos(x), sin(x)) which will end up being on the circle. For example for x= or 135 the coordinates for that angle are (cos(135), sin(135)) or (cos(), sin()) in quadrant II

The Unit Circle and Tangent Values

= The x coordinates of points on the unit circle are cos(x) values The y coordinates of points on the unit circle are sin(x) values To find the values you divide the y value by the x value in the coordinate like this For example, the tangent value of or 120 is / = See the Applet below for all tangent values in the unit circle

Tangent values of unit circle points