How to Stop Barking Dogs at Night


How to Stop Barking Dogs at Night

train your dog to not bark ▶️▶️ It’s late. Bedtime. You’ve just snuggled up under the comforter, flipped off the light, turned off your phone. It’s bedtime but not to your pup. They’re just getting started. If your dog’s barking and whining is keeping you awake at night or, worse yet, waking you up hours before your alarm, you’re not alone; this is one of the most common wrinkles that need ironing out in your relationship with your dog. Most commonly, it’s a problem with a simple, and often accidental, origin: without realizing it, you’ve taught your dog that barking and whining will bring them your attention, no matter what time of day or night. The solution, unfortunately, is not quite as effortless. train your dog to not bark ▶️▶️ First things first, how did your dog pick up this frustrating, sleep-depriving habit? Dogs bark and whine for a variety of different reasons, most frequently to alert the family to a disturbance, out of anxiety or fear, or for attention. Isolation distress—anxiety around being left alone—and/or confinement distress—anxiety around being inside of a crate or X-pen—can play a major role in barking at night but, for many dogs, the problem is simply one of the following:
  1. At one time you allowed your dog to sleep in the bed but have revoked the privilege;
  2. You’ve recently adopted your pup and they have not yet learned to sleep through the night;
  3. You’ve attempted to soothe your dog’s barking by going to them and petting them or freeing them from a confined space.
Of these, it’s #3 that gets most pups. When you go to your dog to quiet or soothe them when they bark at night, you are teaching them that barking and whining brings you running. And once they learn that lesson, it’s a hard one to forget