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GeoGebraGeoGebra Classroom

Unit 1 Day 3: Apply Segment Addition Postulate

Directions on how to find the Distance tool to measure length between two points.

Directions on how to find the Distance tool to measure length between two points.
First click on Toolbar Image and the click onToolbar Image. Second, click on point A and then on point B to find AB, the distance between both points.

Activity: Find the Indicated Lengths.

This activity will count towards classroom participation and you will have 10 minutes.

Applet #1: Use this applet to answer questions #1 - 5 below.

1. Use the Toolbar Image and then the Toolbar Image tools in the applet above to find the indicated lengths below. a.) Find AB b.) Find BC c.) Find AC

2. What do the lengths you found tell us about the relationship of those three points?

3. In question #1 you found the length AC by using the Toolbar Image and Toolbar Image tools in the applet. Is there another way to find length AC? Explain.

Applet # 2: Use this applet to answer questions #4 and 5.

4. Find the lengths AB and BC using the angle Toolbar Image and distance (length) Toolbar Image tools.

5. Can you use the Segment Addition Postulate to find the length AC? Explain.