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GeoGebraGeoGebra Classroom

Ceating Congruent Triangles

Introduction to Activity

Every triangle is made of six parts: three sides and three angles. Proving two triangles are congruent requires only three of those six parts. Below in the applet is a pre-made triangle: ABC. Objective: Take any three parts of the triangle, and attempt to create a triangle with the three parts. Answer the two questions below for each combination of parts you given.

Operating the Geogebra Workspace

1) Each point labeled A regardless of subscript corresponds to point A in ABC. The same is true for all of the Bs and Cs. 2) Using the points on the line segments, you can either rotate the segment around a point or pick up the whole segment. 3) All the segments of the angles can be extended or shortened as needed.

Questions: Creating Congruent Triangles

Using any combination of three parts of the triangle, answer the following questions for each combination you attempt. 1. Can you create a congruent triangle with your parts? 2. Can you create 2 different triangle with your parts? List all of the combinations which you can answer yes to number 1 and no to number 2 in the space provided.

Screen Shot

1) Take a screen shot of each of your attempts. 2) Add your screenshots to the groups OneNote page for this activity. 3) Title of Page: Creating Congruent Triangles 4) Repeat using 3 different components until your group has tried all possible combinations using 3 parts.