Google Classroom
GeoGebraGeoGebra Classroom

Composition 2

In this composition of transformations, I created one shape (figure ABCDE), then used rotation, reflection, and translation to create a face-like design. First I rotated figure ABCDE around D 3 times, each an additional 270 degrees. The four smaller figures (ABCDE, A'B'C'D'E', A''B''C''D''E'', and A'''B'''C'''D'''E''') created a new larger one, figure z. I then reflected figure Z over line FG creating z', and translated figure z' along vector u to create z''. Finally I reflected figures z and z' over line F₁G₁ to create figures z'₁ and z''₁, and translated z'' along vector m to create figure z'''. Together, figure z and its four images create a face design, and are made up of 20 smaller figures of images of ABCDE.