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GeoGebraGeoGebra Classroom

Relationships in Triangles

Opposite Sides & Angles Theorem


On a lined sheet of paper, record your responses to the following: 1. If the red angle is the largest angle then the _______ side is the longest side (you can use your mouse to change the shape of the triangle). 2. If the green angle is the largest angle then the _______ side is the longest side. 3. If the blue angle is the smallest angle then the _______ side is the shortest side. 4. If the red side is the longest side then the _______ angle is the largest angle. 5. If the green side is the shortest side, then the ______ angle is the smallest angle. 6. In conclusion, the ______ side will always be _______ from the ______ angle and the ______ side will always be _______ from the ______ angle. This is called the Opposite Sides & Angles Theorem.