Google Classroom
GeoGebraGeoGebra Classroom

Images by complex function

For uses by a large screen devices as PCs or tablets.


In thins activity, you can study how an image (on the right widow) of a complex number (on the left window) is constructed by a function You can change this function by double clicking on image point and modify the formula where vary from 1 to 5: you can move them to any other positions and see the result on the right window.

Structured set of points

The number describe a point on the line segment and it's image where and are constants who depend on the value of given by the slider. The image as you see it is a portion of parabola on the plane with corresponding to . As conclusion, the image of a line (or a portion of it) is a parabola (or a portion of it). To well illustrate this problem, we added another example: The image of a square is a complicated form who we can't describe it by a simple equation. To find this image, we used the tracing technique. You can move the brown point on the square and see the resulting form of the structured set of points .