Google Classroom - Interaktiva lektioner
GeoGebraGeoGebra Classroom - Interaktiva lektioner

Friday Asynchronous Math (10/2)

Move Point P around the space and see what happens.

Watch the video to learn more!

What are the green numbers describing?

Move Point P all the way around the black circle.

Watch the video to learn more!

What should the green numbers say when you reach the vertical line again after traveling all the way around the circle?

Watch the video to learn more!

Move Point P around the circle until the green numbers read 90.

When the green numbers say 90, how far around the circle did the red line travel? A quarter turn, a half turn, or a 3 quarter turn?

Move Point P around the circle until the green numbers read 180.

When the green numbers say 180, about how far around the circle did the red line travel?

Move Point P around the circle until the green numbers read 270.

When the green numbers say 270, about how far around the circle did the red line travel?

Watch the video to learn more!

Move point P around the circle. Watch what happens to the water bottle.

When the water bottle was exactly vertical but upside down, what did the green numbers say?

Move Point P to show this tree rotated 90 degrees.

How did the tree's orientation (the way it's facing) change when you rotated it 90 degrees?

Move Point P to show this bear rotated 270 degrees.

How did the bear's orientation (the way it's facing) change when you rotated it 270 degrees?