Rectangle Area

Rectangle Area

In order to understand the formula for the rectangle area, we have to explore the following structure. (ps.: this structure was modified from the one made by Jayrton Carvalho)

Analysis 1

Move the bar and look as the rectangle is filled. How many little squares can fit in the rectangle?

Analysis 2

Change the base (B) measure to 10 and the height (H) to 5. Move the bar and look as the rectangle is filled. How many little squares can fit in the rectangle?

Analysis 3

What is the connection between the number of little squares (n) that fit in the rectangle with the height (H) and the base (B) of the rectangle?

Analysis 4

In theory, the number of small squares that fit in the rectangle can be considered the area of the rectangle. Thus, write an equation that represents the area of a rectangle of base B and height H.

What if this little square was smaller?