Dimesion 3

How can?

Let's check it out why point H to K its same with point K to L and L to B We check first if point H to K its on the segment HB and L to B its same on the segment HB So if segment HB its (1)Then point H to K its about .segmentHB so its equal with . = Why ? Its because point H to K its same with point K to L and L to B so segmentHB we can divide into 3 segment That is segmentHK, segmentKL, and segmentLB What about segment HL? can we use ? yes of course! Let we check if segmentHK is and then we search the segmentKL We can use its equal with segment HK its So if we search segmentHL equal segmentHK + segmentKL = + = Yeah so its proved that segement HL its we can use to search it