Alternate Exterior Angles Theorem

In the applet below, a TRANSVERSAL intersects 2 PARALLEL LINES.  When this happens, there are 2 pairs of ALTERNATE EXTERIOR ANGLES that are formed.  Interact with the applet below for a few minutes, then answer the questions that immediately follow.
Respond on paper to the following prompts. 1) What transformation(s) took place as you moved the black "Slide Me!" slider?   2) Copy and complete the following statement: If a transversal intersects two ________________  ______________, then the alternate exterior angles are _____________________. 3) Is the completed statement from (2) biconditional? If so, then write it in "if and only if" form and explain why it's true. If not, explain why not. 4) If the pink angle above measures 146 degrees, what would the measure of its alternate exterior angle be?  What would the measure of the purple angle be?