Perpendicular bisector


Exercise 1

Using the following tool Toolbar Image construct the Perpendicuar bisector of the given segment.


  1. How would you define "perpendicular bisector"?

  2. Can you think of another way to construct the perpendicular bisector of a segment but without using the Perpendicular Bisector tool?

Exercise 2

Open a new GeoGebra worksheet and construct the perpendicular bisector of a segment in a different way. For this construction use the tools already explained, but without using the Perpendicular bisector tool. Save the exercise in your pendrive as Name_perpendbisector.ggb.


If you position your mouse over the icon of the selected Tool, a Tooltip appears explaining how to use this Tool. (f.e. Toolbar Image Perpedicular Bisector: Select two points or one segment.)