Algebra Vs Calculus and 5 Smart Math solving Tips

Math is not a subject. It is the application of practical things in real-life situations. We use math in our daily lives on a normal basis unknowingly. For example at what time to leave from home to reach class. And how many burgers will be bought out of 10 dollars? Everything involves Math. Still many times we hear students calling math as their pain area due to massive calculations involved. Well, math is not difficult if we try to study and understand it rather than learning. We will also be sharing smart math tips in between that will make math solving easy and fun. Talking about the subject, we will be discussing the two branches which are very important topics in mathematics. Algebra Algebra is the branch of mathematics that deals with solving pure mathematics equations. In algebra, you cover topics like polynomials, equations, and algebraic structures as well as the terms, constructions, and concepts that arise from mathematical operations. In algebra, there are generally English alphabets used to determine the value solved out of the equation. Branches of algebra are-

  • Abstract Algebra
  • Linear Algebra
  • Universal Algebra
  • Algebraic Geometry
  • Elementary Algebra
Abstract Algebra The study of algebraic structures. Algebraic structures include groups, rings, fields, modules, vector spaces, lattices, and algebras.  Linear Algebra It is concerning linear equations such as linear functions such as and their representations in vector spaces and through matrices. Universal Algebra The field of mathematics that studies algebraic structures themselves, not examples of algebraic structures. Algebraic Geometry The study of geometries that come from algebra, in particular, from rings. Elementary Algebra The basic algebra that tells the concepts Calculus It is an advanced course of study that is generally taught in higher classes. In this, the changes are generally studied.  It focuses on limits, functions, derivatives, integrals and infinite series. From calculus, the more advanced courses are branched out that are generally used in science, economics, engineering, physical and computer science, business, medicine, and other fields wherein an optimal solution is needed. Branches of Calculus · Differential Differential calculus is a subfield of calculus concerned with the study of the rates at which quantities change. · Integral It is the mathematical study of continuous change Algebra Vs Calculus Calculus and algebra are both branches of mathematics that are commonly used in everyday life, sometimes together and sometimes individually in and also differ.  Let us see how: · Used in daily day situations · Used in complex situations like engineering · Relation between things · Rate of change · Old Branch · Comparatively new · Not so optimal solution-oriented · Optimal Solution-oriented Now let us look at these fantastic five tips that if applied could make your math solving total fun! Tip 1 Relate equations with real life situations. Apply math to your real life situations and then try to do calculations. Whenever you sit to do your math homework, try to imagine the equations as real life cases. This will make your calculation stronger and would be helpful to understand concept. Tip 2 Focus on Concepts Try to understand the problem rather than solving. If you get clear with concepts, then solving would not be an issue. Ask your online math tutor or discuss with your peers but get to the roots of concept. Trip 3 Practice and Practice The more you solve, the more you will get better. Do your math homework daily or revise the concepts with different sets of equations. This will increase your speed and understanding towards the subject. Tip 4 Get grip on algebra The student should be well versed with the concepts of algebra. In case of doubts, ask your online algebra tutor, get live sessions or homework help online and understand basics of algebra as it is one of the fundamental branches of math Tip 5 Try to solve step by step Try o solve in the steps as this will help you to understand how you arrived to the solution. TutorEye is an online tutoring platform that provides online tutoring classes 24/7 from subject experts that will help you to UpGrade your calculus and algebra skills