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GeoGebraGeoGebra Classroom

Angle Bisector Construction

Cutting an angle in half

In this activity, we're going to try to cut this angle in half. Start by making a circle with a center at B. it doesn't matter how big the circle is. When you're done, put a point at each of the places where the circle crosses the segments.

Two more circles

Things will get messy now. You're going to make two circles. The points that you put on the segments where the original circle intersected them will be the center of each of the two circles. The size doesn't matter, but make the circles big enough that they intersect each other. Once you've made those two circles, put two more points - one at each spot where the circles cross each other. Lastly, create a line (not a segment - a line will work better) that connects the two points you just made (where the circles cross each other).

Question 1

The line you just added probably doesn't cut the angle in half. It probably doesn't even pass through the vertex of the angle. Adjust the circles so that line moves until you get the line to go right through the middle of the vertex and it cuts the angle in half. What do you notice about the two circles to make this happen?