Authoring - Creating activities

Core dynamic activities: lessons

These activities are the most complete, and are typically used by teachers. They may contain just theory, or theory+exploration, when possible. I usually consider the following features when designing such activities:
  • Self consistent: the activity is independent from others, and doesn't need a textbook or further instructions to be used
  • Ok for learning disabilities: concepts explained with keywords, and visualization
  • Colour coded: objects and related static/dynamic texts have the same colour, when possible, to make association between objects and quantities straightforward
  • Same definitions/letters/proofs used at school or in the textbook
The advantages of this type of activities are:
  • Great for reviewing and consolidating concepts at home, or even on the go
  • A dynamic reference for homework or for home schooling - distance learning
  • Can be used as handout reference for activities like flipped teaching

Exploration dynamic activities

  • Easily implemented by students
  • Multi-platform - phone and tablet (ggb apps)
  • Great for exploring and consolidating concepts at home: students can use sw to reproduce and explore limit cases/counterexamples or generalize a concept
  • Flipped classrom

Flipped classroom

  • Teacher hands out sources / links / pdf / ppf / ggb
  • Students start on a case study to derive from it a more general concept
  • Discussion