Opener - Foldable

Now we are going to make some notes we'll be using for the next few weeks by making a "foldable." You'll need your blank paper and writing utensil(s) - if you use pens for this, be sure they won't bleed through to the other side of the paper. First, fold your paper once horizontally (hot dog fold) not quite halfway, then fold the paper in thirds the other way (hamburger fold) so it looks like this: Along the bottom edge that sticks out write "Trigonometric Ratios SOH CAH TOA", then fill in the 3 boxes so they look like this: Open the foldable and write the words sine, cosine and tangent at the very top like this: For the sine box, first write the ratio: Then draw a triangle to show an example: Then fill in the sine ratio for the example: Now your foldable should look like this:
Next, we'll do the same things for the middle box, but for cosine so it looks like this:

Last, we'll do the same things for the right side box, but for tangent so it looks like this:

When you're done the top in the inside should look like this:
We'll fill in the bottom and the back part of our foldable on other days.