Objects moving at constant speed

Get out a piece of scrap paper and make a table with two columns and at least 10 rows. While you are watching the video below, record the times and positions for the person walking across the football field. Note that the fieldlines are 15 feet apart and that you can pause the video. You will need to record some times and positions when the person is not on one of the fieldlines. You will have to make an estimate for those positions. Include at least 4 such data points in your 10 or more data points.
In the Desmos box below, click on the "+" button, start a new table, and enter your data with the time in the x-column and position in the y-column.

Which of the below best describes the pattern that the graph of the data follows? Random, no discernible pattern Decreasing linear Increasing linear Decreasing, concave up Increasing, concave up Decreasing, concave down Increasing, concave down

In the Desmos window above, click below the data to add a new section. In that section, type "y=mx+b" and select the "all" button. By moving these sliders, you can change the slope and the y-intercept of the line. Move these sliders until the line gets as close to all the points as you can get. This is the same as the line of best-fit that you used for your walking-pace lab activity.

What are the units of the slope?

What does the slope tell us about the motion of this person?

What does the y-intercept tell us about the motion of the object?