Proof of the" Time Vector " and " Hypothesis " Complex Math

You must : [ You can " Grab Graphics to Move Around :: At Bottom are Blue Dots that will Increase the size or make the Graphics smaller ] ! You Must Both : Grab, and Get to the Blue Dots at Bottom of Graphics to Adjust Picture !! You can use your " mouse wheel also " Good Thanks! Proof of my " Hypothesis " and that " The Time Vector " is Real and Proven . Actually I probably also have to check to see if it's closed to both Addition and Multiplication to see if I have a Subspace ? 1) See Red Box ( Top Left Corner ) : Proof of ." Time , The Vector " 2) I have proven my " Hypothesis below as well as Point number 1 3) I prove point 1) again using the fact that : a = (3 velocity + 2 acceleration ) / 2 = a = 1 4) Study the Graphics and you will see that I have proven both the " Hypothesis " and " The Time Vector " 5) Which means I invented new Mathematics , Number Line and Space Relationship 6) I changed all of Physics and " Time Travel " 7) What do you think ? I just now was thinking if 54 Units Can't add because of two components of Velocity and Acceleration; maybe the formula is T = n* t a^2 + n *t^2a^4 or the Velocity is ( Re ) and Acceleration is ( Im ) ; ? 8) [ When t = 9 a = 54 Units of ( Time Vector Distance) ] 9) Look How the Units Work out: 54/18 = 3 , 54/27 = 2 , 54/9 = 6 , 54/6 = 9, 54/54 = " 1 Time Vector Unit " which equals _ One time Unit = 54 time* Distances^2 :: Actually this Number has Units that won't add,,, so you may have to divide out the units or maybe they will add because i^2 = i , I have some thinking to do? 10) I guess the parts of the 54 units have no dimensions; they cancel each other out: or I suppose you could divide them by a pure number and retain the units too ... 11) the acceleration of " a " per 54 Units = 2916 Units time ^2 * distance ^4 = Time Vector Standard acceleration Unit 12) actually 54 units has both a velocity and acceleration term already so , part 11 is actually the square both terms.