Copy of Translations in The Coordinate Plane

Enter any number into the x-coordinate. What happened to the figure?

Enter any number into the y-coordinate. What happened to the figure?

What are the original coordinates for each point (A, B, and C) on our pre-image?

Translate the figure 5 spots to the right and 3 spots up. What are the coordinates for A', B', and C'?

Translate the figure 6 spots to the left and 2 spots downs. What are the coordinates for A', B', and C'?

What translations would we have to do to get the coordinates A'(9,-1), B'(11,-2), C'(9,-3)

What translations would we have to do to get the coordinates A'(-6,6), B'(-4,5), C'(-6,4)

If the post-image coordinates are A'(9,6), C'(9,4). Then what are the coordinates of B'?