Interactive Images-a guide to 'Pictures for the Minds Eye'
These applets are all selected from the MathMindHabits website to illustrate the aid to understanding
that derives from being about to go back and forth between two different representations of a mathematical phenomenon.
The user is encouraged to explore the MathMindHabits [https://sites.google.com/site/mathmindhabits/] website and the other sites referred to therein.

Table of Contents
mapping, constructing & deconstructing images
- QUADRATIC functions - parameter Plane
- Rectangles in the {Perimeter, Area} plane
- Build a Triangle IV
- Build a parallelogram
- The Polynomial Constructor
- Building an 'imposter' function
- build a quadratic using a rectangle
- '...in a square'
- Taking Sides
- power drill - factoring & FOIL
- composition same as translation, dilation, reflection?
other examples of interactive images as manipulable abstractions