Google Classroom
GeoGebraGeoGebra Classroom

Spinning Flower

Create multiple polygons (in this case there are 8). Every polygon should have the point A, and they should be evenly distributed around the middle point A. You can change the colors how ever you want. Create a slider that starts with 0 and ends with 360. Create rotations of every polygon with the degrees being the slider a. Hide all original polygons. Create a button with the command: StartAnimation(a). When clicked it should start the slider that should start rotating all polygons. For added effect, you can choose the option to show trail on rotating polygons, or mix other settings how you like. There are also semi-circles created from point A to 4 other points of the same distance. You can also rotate them with the slider as the degrees, just like the polygons before. Have fun and enjoy in your work.