Snake 2 (Script)


Creating Script (button: buttCreate)

#=========================================================== # Create Regular Dodecahedron. # Why do it the easy way when you can do it difficult? #=========================================================== ϕ = (1+sqrt(5))/2 LP04= Zip(Zip((sx*ϕ, sy/ϕ, 0), sx,{-1,1}), sy,{-1,1}) LP12= Zip(Rotate(LP04, k*120°, Line((0,0,0),(1,1,1))), k,0…2) LP08= Zip(Zip(Zip((sx,sy,sz), sx,{-1,1}), sy,{-1,1}), sz,{-1,1}) LP20= Rotate(1.5*Join({Flatten(LP08), Flatten(LP12)}), atand(1/ϕ), xAxis) Lmn = RemoveUndefined(Flatten(Zip(Zip(If(m>n, (m,n)), n,1…20), m,1…20))) Lseg= Zip(Segment(LP20(x(mn)), LP20(y(mn))), mn,Lmn) Dodeca= RemoveUndefined(Zip(If(S<2, S), S,Lseg)) #=========================================================== # The Route, Velocity and Acceleration of the snake. #=========================================================== Rx(t)= (cos(5t) + 2)*cos(2t) Ry(t)= (cos(5t) + 2)*sin(2t) Rz(t)= -sin(5t) R(t) = Curve((Rx(t), Ry(t), Rz(t)), t, 0, 2*pi) V(t) = Derivative(R, 1) A(t) = Derivative(R, 2) #=========================================================== # Tangent, Normal and Binormal of the route. #=========================================================== LV(t) = sqrt( x(V(t))^2 + y(V(t))^2 + z(V(t))^2) VxA(t) = Curve(Cross(V(t),A(t)), t, 0, 2*pi) LVxA(t)= sqrt( x(VxA(t))^2 + y(VxA(t))^2 + z(VxA(t))^2) T(t) = Curve(V(t) / LV(t), t, 0, 2*pi) B(t) = Curve(VxA(t) / LVxA(t), t, 0, 2*pi) N(t) = Curve(Cross(B(t),T(t)), t, 0, 2*pi) #=========================================================== # The moving Snake. #=========================================================== t = Slider(0°, 360°, 0.1°, 0.5, 100, true, true, true) Lf = Zip(0.93^k, k, 0…40) snake = Zip(Sphere(R(t+f), f / 2), f, Lf) skel = Zip(Vector(R(t+f) - 0.55*f*B(t+f), R(t+f) + 0.9*f*B(t+f)), f,Lf) eye1 = Sphere(R(t+1) + 0.3*T(t+1) + 0.25*N(t+1) + 0.25*B(t+1), 0.1) eye2 = Sphere(R(t+1) + 0.3*T(t+1) - 0.25*N(t+1) + 0.25*B(t+1), 0.1) mouth = Sphere(R(t+1) + 0.1*T(t+1) - 0.05*B(t+1), 0.375 + 0.035*sin(7t)) #=========================================================== # Settings. #=========================================================== L1={"ϕ","LP04","LP12","LP08","Lmn","Lseg","Rx","Ry","Rz"} L2={"R","V","A","LV","VxA","LVxA","T","B","N"} L3={"LP20","Dodeca","snake","skel","eye1","eye2","mouth"} Execute[Zip["SetConditionToShowObject["+L+",false]", L,L1]] Execute[Zip["SetConditionToShowObject["+L+",false]", L,L2]] Execute[Zip["ShowLabel["+L+",false]", L,L3]] Delete[L1] Delete[L2] Delete[L3] SetActiveView[-1] SetBackgroundColor[0, 0, 0.05] CenterView[(0, 0 ,0)] ShowAxes[false] SetColor(LP20 , "#FFEFD5") SetColor(Dodeca, "#FFFACD") SetColor(snake , "#FFCC33") SetColor(skel , "#FFFFFF") SetColor(eye1 , "#DC143C") SetColor(eye2 , "#DC143C") SetColor(mouth , "#330000") SetFilling[snake, 1] SetFilling[eye1 , 0.85] SetFilling[eye2 , 0.85] SetFilling[mouth, 1] SetPointSize[LP20, 3] SetLineThickness[Dodeca, 8] SetLineThickness[skel , 9] SetSpinSpeed[-1] StartAnimation[t,true] #=========================================================== # t: Animation Repeat => Increasing # Perspective: Distance from screen: 800 # Clipping box size: Large # button: Edit: \ovalbox{Rotate} # Medium, Bold # LaTeX formula # Color: White # Location: Graphics and 3D Graphics # Position: Absolute Position on Screen # Scripting: SetSpinSpeed[-1] # StartAnimation[t,true] #===========================================================