A.4.9.2 Wired or Wireless?

H(t) is the percentage of homes in the United States that have a landline phone in year t. C(t) is the percentage of homes with only a cell phone. Here are the graphs of H and C. 1. Estimate H(2006) and C(2006). Explain what each value tells us about the phones. 2. What is the approximate solution to C(t)=20? Explain what the solution means in this situation. 3. Determine if each equation is true. Be prepared to explain how you know. a. C(2011)=H(2011) b. C(2015)=H(2015) 4. Between 2004 and 2015, did the percentage of homes with landlines decrease at the same rate at which the percentage of cell-phones-only homes increased? Explain or show your reasoning.