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GeoGebraGeoGebra Classroom

6.6. Kite Investigation

The applet below contains a quadrilateral that ALWAYS remains a KITE. The purpose of this applet is to help you understand many of the geometric properties a KITE has. The questions you need to answer are displayed below this applet. Be sure to frequently change the locations of points A, B, and C to create different kites before making any general conclusions. Be sure to also use the pink slider to adjust the size of angle A.
1. Define "kite". 2. Are the opposite sides of a kite congruent? 3. Are opposite angles (ENTIRE ANGLES) of a kite congruent? If so, how many pairs? 4. Do the diagonals of a kite bisect EACH OTHER? If not, does one diagonal get bisected by the other? 5. Does a diagonal of a kite bisect a pair of opposite angles?If so, how many diagonals do this? 6. Are the diagonals of a kite perpendicular? 7. Are the diagonals of kite congruent? 8. Does either diagonal of a kite serve as a line of symmetry? If so, how many? 9. Is a kite a parallelogram? If so, WHY is it a parallelogram? If not, why is it not a parallelogram?