Copy of and angle by Osmar

How to Copy and Angle #1 Draw a ray (A and B) #2 Draw (A C) With the same Ray button you should know have angle B,A,C #3 Know draw another ray D and E away from angle B,A,C #3 Next activate the compass button click points B and A next click A again to make it the center of the circle #4 (With Compass tool) Click points B and A once again but this time click on point D to make it the center of the circle. #5 with the Intersect Two Objects button mark the interception between points D and E #6 (With the same tool) Mark the interceptions between A and C #7 (With the Compass tool)select points B and G and finally click on point F to make F the center of the circle #8(With the Intersect tool)Mark the intersection between points D and F #9 Finally connect point E trough point H or I