Affine transformation

The effects of affine transformation M on the square BEAR and panda are depicted as B'E'A'R . Recall that the column vectors of the matrix M are given by images , and O' where and . Manipulate with blue points E1', E2' and O' to define a new affine transformation and see its corresponding matrix. You may also manipluate BE

The square and the effect of affine transformation

Exercises For the following four exercises, find the matrix for the linear transformation corresponding to
  • 1) scaling by the factor 1/2.
  • 2) reflection across the line .
  • 3) 180 degree rotation about the origin.
  • 4) projection onto the -axis. For the next four exercises, describe the transformation where the linear part is given by the matrix
  • 1)
  • 2)
  • 3)
  • 4}