
Table of Contents
Chapter One, Functions
Chapter Two, Linear Functions
Chapter Three, Rational and Polynomial Functions
Chapter Four, Exponential Functions
Chapter Five: Trigonometric Functions
Chapter Six: Periodic Functions
Chapter Seven, Trigonometric Identities and Equations
Chapter Eight, Further Applications of Trigonometry
- 8.1: SSA Sides a and b are given. Angle A is given.
- 8.3: Polar Coordinates
- 8.4: Polar Coordinates: Graphing r=a+/- bcos(theta)
- 8.4: Rose Curve
- 8.4: Drawing Limacons using Other Tools
- 8.7: Parametric Heart, Click Play and watch.
- 8.7: Trace of a point on a wheel. Click play on the slider.
- 8.7: Throwing a baseball
- 8.7: Parametric Curves
- 8.7: Parametriziation of Cardioid
- 8.7: Oval
- 8.7: What is theta in Ellipse parametrization?
- 8.4: Graphing a+ b cos (kt)
- Rose Pedals
Chapter Ten, Analytic Geometry