Match Box Plot & Data Description

Enter your data-one element at a time-in the input box below. Make sure your data is BETWEEN the { }. Once you have entered all your data, you should see all your data graphed in a dot plot on the x-y coordinate plane to the right. Adjust your view of the x-y coordinate plane as needed to see all of your data. Then drag the red Box Plot (Box & Whisker Plot) onto your coordinate plane to sit above your dot plot and match your data. Check your Box Plot when finished! Now record this onto your paper, and list your 5-Number Summary: Min/Lower Extreme, Q1/Lower Quartile, Q2/Med, Q3/Upper Quartile, Max/Upper Extreme. Also provide the Mean, M.A.D., & I.Q.R. of the data. After done, RESET to complete any additional problems to follow. Record all information on your worksheet &/or notes. HAVE FUN!