Income tax in Finland

P Porras
Income tax of a year 2017 is levied by following table. The first column gives the range of income, the second column tells the tax at the lower boundary and the third tax percentage for exceeding part.
Based of the table, we can solve the income tax for any income. For example, if the taxable income is 37000 euros, then the paid tax is The authorities do not solve them separately but automatically. That's why , they form functions describing taxes in different ranges. The below examples are solved in the second range:
taxable income  Income tax
26 000 €
29 000 €
31 000 €
37 000 e
The only changing value is taxable income, so we can use a function where x is taxable income.
The previous function is valid only on [25300, 41200]. Authorities have these functions for all cases, which is called piecewise described function. Tälle taulukolle funktio olisi