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Buddy the Elf Herold Georgiadis Weiland

Buddy the Elf says goodbye to Mr.Narwhal at the Sea of Swirly Twirly Gumdrops and then heads eastward towards NYC, which is 27.23 miles away from the Sea, to meet his dad at a speed of 0.91 miles per hour. Meanwhile, Mr. Narwhal heads north at a speed of 0.93 miles per hour to go cry with Santa at the North Pole, which is 13.95 miles north of the Sea, about Buddy's departure. a) How fast is the distance between the narwhal and the elf changing when Buddy is 1/4 of the way to his destination if he started on a block of ice 1.31 miles from the Narwhal? b) Mr. Narwhal arrives at the North Pole and realizes that Santa is busy feeding Comet so he turns around to go back to the Sea at a speed of 0.86 miles per hour. How fast is the distance between Buddy and Mr. Narwhal changing when the narwhal is 3/4 of the way back to the Sea if he started 0.65 miles above the bottom of the Sea?